Sunday, April 19, 2009


Summer is a couple days old. This last summer go around, I have a tight group of friends who brought me in and gave me a great 2nd half of Senior year. (Inserted) I win $70 dollars in poker at koloj's. The night before some drama was started, (mainly me and Trachtenberg) Long story, don't want to get into it. Acutally that was two nights before. We're patched up now. This is 1 of 3 late journal entries. Due to my forgetfulness. My buddies and I decide to go visit the boys at Pbread. This was after I ran and went swimming. I'm good friends with my friends again. Another long story. (Some stuff about an unimportant part of summer.)

-I remember the drama fight with Ryan. Big chat room dealing with Circle of Trust and I said something about deflowering a certain someone and making them my second one to do that too and he gave me shit for it. Im pretty sure thats what it was. I remember I was furious at ryan and then everybody else.

So followers, thats just an exerpt from my Journal from the summer of '06, if you want to see more, holler at me.

Til next time my friends, Go Fuck yourself Marlton!


  1. I'm confused... so the fight was about what? O and where was the "Best Friend Eric" references?!?!! HATER

  2. That was not in that days blog, if you want to see it i want more feedback, haha, but anyway we were in a chat room one night and it was like the circle of trust night and i said that i would end up taking cara's virginity and shed be the second girl i would and you guys were all like mad at me for saying that. Im pretty sure it was something like that

  3. That's such a bullshit reason to give you shit but we gave you hell about everything so i believe it. also i like the old journal entries...very nostalgic.

  4. can we get more entries

  5. You want more posts? I got more posts. Its go time bitches.

  6. Kristen Wise, i know its been a long time, remember we met right before I came to RU?

  7. haha omg Kris, I missed you so much. We should do lunch tomorrow, I know this great place with chicken wings and ketchup. Love you girlie !!
