Sunday, May 31, 2009

Still in shock

"I am definitely blogging tonight" My final words after the opening day Brotherhood/C4 softball game we played in today. Now why did I say this, lets rewind to earlier today and find out. I woke up at 10 and was so excited, playing softball is what makes me get through the school year, its like opening presents on Christmas, and boy did Christmas come early this year. As I text and IM fellow teammate Steven Vernacchio about what we are going to do about getting an eighth player I was nervous and thought, we may not be playing today, it was a very stressful feeling, Steve tested his luck in free agency, as did I with prospect Tim VanFossen, but he came up short and was like I gotta chainsaw wood in my back yard for daddy, blah blah blah, Like I offered to take him out one night and buy him a couple rounds, I may be under investigation after today but he refused so whatever. I arrive to memorial field a.k.a "the sandlot" to both teams getting ready to engage in what would be a memorable game for some. Since we had a disadvantage with only 7 players to C4's eight I declared we should have home field, but Steven won rock, paper, scissors to secure us for home field. I played center field which was a very nice change due to the fact I am the only true pitcher on the team but Steven i think is trying to make a run at it. There was a tree in center field that was in the way but you just have to play, or go home and both teams are too prideful to do such a thing as bail, so game on. In the bottom of the first C4er "slidding pants" Della Vecchia broke his pinky finger, so it seemed and was rushed to the hospital via Jackie Keyes. But the game went on as the playing field became fair as we went 7 on 7. The game was something else, back and forth innings, strikeouts, dribblers, and shit talking like no other but like others at the same time because that is just we do. I played center field and third base, made a couple small errors, some nice plays and a diving catch in center field and boy did it feel good and at the plate I had a pretty decent game, yeah best friend Eric Vernacchio struck me out once but it is what it is and I had some good hits and some unfortunate outs but there was one hit that I will remember for the rest of my life. It came down to the ninth inning as the Brotherhood was down 20-23, I led off the inning with a shot at second basemen Bradford Burke that threw me out at first and with a loud "FUCK" I had felt I let my team down by not starting the ninth inning by not getting on base. There was a little commotion and joking around talks about suspension were said and I was disappointed but I did my best to let me team know I believe in them, there were a couple of hits and outs as I was standing on the mound pitching to my team due to the fact we had to pitch to ourselves showing there were only 7 as said before. Then the tables turned, I was given another chance to prove myself and make a moment happen. As I stepped up to the plate, I kissed the chain on my chest as it was the bottom of the ninth, two outs, bases loaded, these are the moments you dream of, that was all I was thinking about. The peanut gallery of both Brotherhood and C4 clammered about how this at bat could lead to suspension or a celebration, now even though it was only a joke it couldve sunk into my head. But I think I was the most relaxed I could've been at the plate because I wanted to prove myself and lead our team to victory, I wouldve been happy to just have gotten on base and exteded the game. So Pitch after pitch, they just weren't right, I couldnt find a juicy one. Between pitches people were talkin and trying to distract me, but I could not be rattled at all, I was nonchalant I was told everyone I wanted silence, then to a roaring quiet, then a shhhhh. I think I must have seen ten pitches and then there it was, I had a moment, I made a connection, I got a great swing and shot the ball up into center field and I remember running to first thinking this is going to be caught in center field and as I rounded first I saw the ball fall, I ran to second there was an up roar of noise, Burke in disbelief, teammates telling me to go home and I just kept running, as I rounded second on my way to third I was just saying in my head, please touch 3rd base and I did and my team headed into home plate, Adam Thompson running alongside saying come home and my moment took me to the cage where I jumped up onto it and hung on and yelled, cheered and screamed as I brought home victory to the brotherhood with a Walk off Grand slam and things would never be the same. And the thoughts running through my head and the ticker was just ..................... cause I was in shock that I won the game and I for once was the hero, it was much needed and a huge confidence boost. I'm still on cloud nine and get the chills just thinking about how we came together as a team and defied the odds by coming back and winning the first game of the season. I would be honored to say thank you to my teammates and that I hope we can take this win and continue to show C4 what they are not.

Til next time and next game, That ball is outta hereeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

PHH Blogs

Another day begins, and quite the day it is going to be for me. Last night was crazy like swayze, just kidding, but it ended up being a pretty good night if you ask me. First, after a better day at work, I went to The Firm (always gotta drop that one), and boy did I get my swell on, love the feeling, I just feel 20x the man I already am, yeah that just happened. Built up the intimidation factor against C4 by my dad asking me to go to the liquor store for some beer, Bino and Kelly Kunz were standing there waiting to go out to Philly for Jackie Keys birthday and I had my beater/cutoff on with a mean sweat and swell and I was like we are ready and I was just working out to be ready to be the next Barry Bonds, he sounded excited and optimistic, but I know deep down inside he was shaking in his sneakers. Anyway, arrived home, showered, drove to Sean’s as we decided to take a trip to prospectors to get xtu tickets but there was a $6 cover, so we were like uh-uh we aint doin that. (Ok, wasn’t like that but that would’ve been funny) So we went back to Sean’s to converse on what to do, Ryan was contemplating leaving and nobody really had valid ideas, so I stepped up, said I’ll do whatever, Philly was brought up, I was all about and so we went. After claiming earlier in the night I was going to live a healthier life and cut out all the bad and unhealthy food I ate a “wiz with”, didn’t realize it was wiz until I got my second, then I got and “American with” as I joked with the workers of Geno’s the guy cooking was pretty funny, had a good laugh. But from after I finished off that 2nd steak last night I am beginning my road to healthiness. I want the perfect healthy body, and no one or no thing will take that away from me. Anywho, great car ride and music on the venture back to M-town and then unfortch (unfortunately shortened) we all split our ways and went home to rest, so I thought….Boy, was I wrong. It just so happened that Leah was in my neighborhood visiting a friend of hers, I’ll leave that at that. As I was ready for sleep I get a text, “I’m stopping by” and an already good night turned better. As I waited outside I looked to the stars and was wondering about the world we live in and how beautiful the night sky is and that we really need to slow down and appreciate the good things in life and try to phase out the negative aspects as best as we can, but being human, it is not easy to do because we function off of emotion. (Some more than others, let’s just say his name rhymes with Dark) So then she arrived, and I couldn’t help but smile like I used to on Christmas morning, and I realized I don’t deserve, but she’s that perfect that she will give me one last chance to make her happy. I went inside to get her a sweatshirt cause she was cold and we hung out outside for a while, talked about everything, hugged and kissed and then we went into my apartment and I just felt all of the sparks that I did when we had our best times together. I’ve realized I have made millions of mistakes but giving up on her was the biggest and I know things have changed so quickly but I was blinded by the ugly side of society and now I’m reaping the consequences of not putting the things that mean to the most to me. (Leah…………and my best friends of course, B-Hood, always there, thanks) I’ve been giving my sister advice lately about how she should live and I realized just recently that I haven’t listened to myself, I was so confident about what I was telling her but I didn’t adhere and now is my chance to walk through this open door and for once not mess things up. As the night went on I just kept falling more and more in love with her all over again and I just thinking I don’t want to lose her ever again. Unfortch, she had to leave and I had to sleep because I have work as you can tell, since I’m writing this at work, but I just hated seeing her go but I do have a very important night ahead of me and that there is no way I can mess this up, because if I do, heck, I don’t even know what I would do. So this is pretty bad, I have like no work to do and none of my supervisors will be in until like 11:30,but I do have my ipod, jamming to some tunes and then there is chipotle (Not chipotte, chipotLe) for lunch today with Sean, Erin, and Dan, so I’m pretty excited for that. I’m going to retire this blog for now. At 9:20 am, this is Tomo signing out.

Til Next time followers, when you find the one, never let her go, trust me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Blogs at work....phh style

The ticker is back again, and on location from PHH Mortgage in Mt. Laurel, NJ. That’s right, Im reporting from work. This blog is being started at 4:27 pm on Thursday, May 21, 2009 but will not be posted till probably after my lonely gym session at the Firm. (Namedrop) My life has been a rollercoaster as of late, break-ups and make-ups….hopefully. I broke up with Leah as you all know and I want her back, I admit, I’m fully wrong about everything and I need to learn to not just run off of my emotions, I was going to see counseling about that but I got over that rut, I just really need to be serious and change my ways, its all good because the old fun-loving/stress-free, yet extremely caring young man all at the same time has come to fix everything and change his ways. If you guys are disappointed in me, I understand for all of the tribulations I have put us throught………gotta go grab a fax, brb…..ok nevermind, the girl I was retrieving the fax for got it and was very proud of me….yay! This is like the Office but a million times bigger, shits crazy already, all day there has been this wheel like right next to my cubicle where this guy is giving his team members opportunities to win 50 to 100 in gift cards, pretty crazy because there are like 20 people around my cubicle. Every TV here has the Phillies game on which is pretty stellar and I havnt done much work today but its ok because tomorrow I probably will be doin a lot of work cause my partner wont be here, but Ive been on the phone with insurance companies and stuff, feel pretty sophisticated, getting the real world experience. Cant wait to be stressed out and consumed in my work and fall into the traps of society….psych, Im better than that, the new me will suffice. Anywho, feel pretty cool with my own headset. Cant wait to get home and get my swell on at the gym and then go to an xtu run and maybe see Ryan Cabrera at pjs, but a 15 cover is actually way too much, so whatever, maybe I wont go, who knows. Still have 19 minutes until Im done but it doesn’t matter cause when the money rolls in it will all be good. Work seemed tougher yesterday, not nearly as bad today and cant wait to make that paper.

Til next time fellas, We runnin this....lets go.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

4:40 AM

So its now 4:41 but who's counting? I am actually. Anywho, Ryan and Adam's analysis of the NOS drink and Sour patch kids combo I purchased at wawa was correct. Too much sugar. Ive been trying to fall asleep for like two hours and just no luck. Also there is just many things going through my mind right now, like transferring to a new school, Business major or journalism? I was thinking business earlier but not trying to make excuses but there are so many requirements but the one that bites the bullet on that idea is calculus, im terrible at intermediate algebra, I dont even want to think about pre-calculus. So now Im leaning towards Journalism, really I cant go wrong. When I was in high school I was thinking about getting involved in journalism hoping one day to achieve my dreams of sports reporting. (In the blog I published earlier tonight, I made mention of this.) Then I went to Neumann and took the easy way out with communication and I was going to plan on doing that at Rutgers New Brunswick and never had my heart set on a major, but that was the one I was going to go through with until my decision to make another and final transfer to live at home and commute to Rutgers Camden. Since it seems I am having my best semester since my second semester at Neumann, I have had an epiphany to aim my major towards Journalism and maybe minor in Media studies, leading me to hopefully finding an internship with a sports news station. Now I realize there will be a lot of writing and research with this major, but if I really actually try for once in my life and stop F'in around, I can really accomplish what I want and become a person who has a plan and goal in life that has followed me for many years since the growth and love of sports. Also, I found out, technically yesterday, that I have an interview with PHH mortgage on Thursday for an internship, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping all goes well. My birthday is on Wednesday and it really doesnt feel like it, I'm turning 22. What else can I really say about that, its not 18 cigarettes and porn, or 21 legal alcohol consumption (FYI, didnt drink til the Saturday after my birthday at the "Amazing" Kanye West Glow in the Dark tour show in Camden). Just plain 22, boy am I getting old. I have to get up in a couple of hours to get a new cable box because my sister took the one out of my apartment up to her room and now the signal wont go through anymoe, Damnit Kir! So now Im like watching NBC which has like Access Hollywood on.
I know everyone is back in Blink 182 mode, which I am too, but this has also inspired me to listen to Incubus again. Brandon Boyd is my hero, just thought ya'll would like to know. What else can I really say? I can feel my eyes getting heavier which is a good sign, but now Im thinking about it so when I put my computer down I will be thinking about going to sleep, jeez Im so pathetic right now. Also I learned it is harder to fall asleep right after being on a computer because of the proximety and thinking process that involves working the computer has your brain working harder than it would compared to watching the TV before falling asleep. Now as I say this my eyes are starting to hurt as the white is banging the insides of my eyes. Looks like Im about to cut this blog off short, even though its probably one of my longest and Im adding a new segment to my blogs, Im going to insert a song that I am feeling either relates to me or a song that I am just feeling. So just thought I'd let my followers know its 5:03 AM Saturday May 9th 2009 and I am finished with this blog.

Til next time followers, brotherhood out. (Had to do it, even though I wasn't there, I shouldve)

Song of choice - Mexico - Incubus

Sports of our lives...

What have sports come to now a days? Who the frig knows anymore? Tonight I was ridiculed for saying that I thought sports were scripted, but in a way it seems to be, but its actually more like a soap opera. Everyday there is something new, someone is coming out of retirement, another big star connected to steroids, someone gets a death threat, basketball has turned into the WWF, (ok, WWE, not the WorldWildlifeFoundation, WWF is so much better though). What next? I really think there isnt much more, but never be content with that thought because someone will slap you upside the head and prove you wrong. SportsCenter has gone from score central, which it still does, best chance is by watching it for the BottomLine, but it is now a soap opera. Now, this doesnt completely bother me because If I had to chance to become a sports reporter I wouldnt really have to look far to find a story, but nothing is consistent anymore and its kind of a shame, but its how you look at it. Its hard for our future generations to have role models, because they are all cheaters or law breakers or selfish selfabsorbed asses. I fear for the future because more and more the focus is going to go from the score of the game to whose doin what. I think single handedly the media is to blame for the corruption of sports. Sports, unfortunately, will never be the same again, never...

So til next time followers, Goodnight and Goodluck.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Art of the Psycho Ex

A topic I've been meaning to discuss for a long time and now I'm going to investigate...How do that do it? THEY SHIT! THEY SHIT! THEY SHIT! The bloody psycho ex shits! Out the baby! At least in my case they do. But really how do they do it? What are the genetics? What is in their blood? I don't know and I really wish I did. Ok lets investigate...They chase you around Marlton, they claim to have had your child, then it was a miscarriage, then its a syst, but theres shitting and pissing involved. They try and be a part of your life, they im, they call, they message, they threaten your now girlfriend, they flip your trays in dinning halls because you got your food earlier and claim if I cant eat, neither can you, or they get an annoyingly level of drunk and are with other guys and expect you to be ok with living with other guys! Oh my God!?! What has this world come to? Is it in the way we talk, is it in the way we walk, or is it in the way we stare, or is it our fabulous hair. Do I just have the Kelso affect and am man pretty? Scratch that, just kidding! Psych, I mean it,(Im not cocky Im confident, but when they say Im the best its a complement!) yeah you fuckin do! But are we blind to the fact that they try to manipulate us? Do they judge our character and think we're weak, well guess what psycho bitches! We arent! Simple as that. As I further investigate by each passing day, I need your help to figure out, why are ex-girlfriends psycho? I've said time and time again, shes gonna be the death of me, help me to survive and live to see 30.

Thanks fellow followers, til next time, Go Fuck yourself Psycho Bitches!

Friday, May 1, 2009


New post since the whole Udeezy weekend is behind us now. What do we wanna dish about today?.............ticker is flying by in windings right is random......."I can say whatever I like............OK.

Lets start with a small American Idol update, Kris Allen is really good, so if you happen to catch AI, and I aint talkin about Iggy or Ivy, but American Idol, check it out, because Kris Allen is something else and I usually dont endorse American Idol, but this season has actually been a dandy one.

I got the IM today everybody - SteyGuy (4:22:11 PM): superbowl here we come - thats right, Dan Steyer the realist spoke the hopeful truth, the Birds are flyin high right now and the season once again is hopeful and im hoping for the super bowl, but I guarentee in January I will be in complete and utter sadness (I hear you on this phrase Diego)
--O shoutout to steyguy to his short lived blog, you crazy dawg and thanks for the shoutout, get it killer.

Rutgersfest was today, and who didnt go? Me, the unbareable rain was the downfall of my chance on missing out on N.E.R.D. whatevs, people actually wanted to visit Rutgers and Im sorry but I'm a loser and barely have any friends here o well, this wasnt supposed to be a depressing blog.

Phh didnt call me and hasnt even given me a real chance to apply...I suck at life, now I gotta go get a job, damnit.

Im gonna stop blogging now, before I turn you all into manic depressives.
So until next time friday fight followers, holler at me baby!

P.S.- People read my blogs and give me feedback if possible!